The Bucket List

I see myself as the type of person who lives life to the full; not the ‘get-drunk-and-party-all-the-time’ type of full, but full enough so that if it were to be game over tomorrow I would be fairly accepting with what I’ve managed to squeeze in. While that’s all good and well, there are a few more things I’d like to try and do before that comes around. Below you’ll find my list of things I want to do, each of which I assure you have been well thought through, some of which are easier than others!
Of course, the list is just the groundwork, real happiness is doing all of these things with the people I love and the friends I meet along the way. So far, I’ve achieved everything alongside and often with those I care for.
The List:
- Parachute from a Plane
- Visit the Republic of Cuba
- Sail through the Panama Canal
- ✅ Visit New York City
- ✅ Own a Dog
- ✅ Snowboard down a mountain
- Irresponsibly Gamble Money in Las Vegas
- Grow a Beard
- ✅ Start a Family
- Travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway
- ✅ Speak Publicly in Front of a Crowd
- See Victoria Falls
- ✅ Catch a Fish
- Attend a Music Festival
- Pay off my Mortgage
- ✅ Go to Munich Oktoberfest
- ✅ Ride in a Helicopter
- ✅ Learn to Sail again
- ✅ Work Abroad
- Learn to Speak a Foreign Language
- Break a Bone (accidentally…)
- ✅ Shoot a Gun
- Make Someone’s Life Significantly Better
- Go Off-Roading in a Landrover
- ✅ Go Interailing Around Europe
- Visit a Country that the FCO advise against
- ✅ Go Scuba Diving
- ✅ Run the London (or some other) Marathon
- ✅ Visit Istanbul, Turkey
- ✅ Visit the Red Square, Moscow
- Complete this list
- Visit the Island of Saint Helena
- ✅ Get Married