Laurence Andrews

My Updated Rail Travel Map

I’m sure regular followers of my blog are aware of my Rail Map (well, it’s National Rail’s map really), it shows all of the railway lines in the UK which I have travelled on at some point. Both a record for where I have been in the UK and a challenge to travel the entire network! 

The last update I made to the map was in 2013, which is a shockingly long time ago. I have just invested some time adding journeys made since then. Won’t list them all off but some of the highlights are:

I’ll do my best to keep up with the updates, the process is much more well rehearsed now. Myself and @geekyjames are also planning a tour of Scotland by rail in the next few weeks, so there will be so blog posts following that journey no doubt! 

Check out the map here: Rail Map

trains  railway  blog  update  train  map